Rappers Love Their Flip-Flops

Not only do artists mention flip-flops in their songs, but they also wear them. There have been several surprisingly rare sightings of rappers wearing them in public. However, I can’t seem to grasp why these artists refuse to wear their flip-flops in public. Maybe they’re afraid of having them stolen? Who knows?

In the picture below, Jay Z is sighted looking real fresh while wearing his flip-flops to the beach.


Here, Miley Cyrus is caught showing off a shiny pair of new flip-flops that Kanye West bought for her.


Below is what clearly looks like Eminem’s feet with flip-flops on. You can tell it’s Eminem because of how smooth his legs are.


Last, but not least, Snoop Dogg displays his love for flip-flops as he is seen many times wearing  them.

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Hip-hop artists from all over the world have looked great in their flops. We already know that they rap about them and that they like showing them off, so where can we find authentic hip-hop flip-flops?

DJ Khaled has designed and produced some styles of flip-flops. Everyone has heard about the ever-so-popular “Another One” and “Bless Up” flip-flops. Dj Khaled’s We The Best Store sells these fashionable flip-flops for the low affordable price of $65.00. So if you want to be as cool as Dj Khaled, you must wear his accessible footwear.

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If you don’t want to pay the measly price of $65, you can buy the slightly more expensive Gucci flip-flops that everyone seems to be talking about for just under $400.00.

P.S. I was not paid by any of these artists/brands to endorse their footwear.